It's that glorious time of the year again - the quarterly Athleta event! Because fashion is always two seasons ahead, I was kindly invited to check out the fall fashions Athleta has coming up. Considering how absolutely freezing the winter has been and the spring continues to be (seriously, why so few 60-degree days? And WHERE ARE THE BUDS?), I confess that seeing fuzzy sweaters and fall things was almost a little depressing. I am in 1,000% countdown-to-summer mode right now!

It's always a huge treat to come to one of these events. As is often the case, we were invited to take a complimentary fitness class, given a complimentary outfit, and some complimentary tasty breakfast treats. Something new this time around was complimentary express manicures! I could seriously get used to this...
One of my favorite things about these events is definitely exploring other fitness programs. It's how I discovered and absolutely fell in
love with
Refine Method and it often gives me a chance to head to parts of the city I don't normally go to.
Today's adventure was down to Bowery off of Spring St to take a class from the brand spankin'-new fitness studio ModelFIT, helmed by trainer to Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models
Justin Gelband (often referred to in press as "The Model Whisperer" - an enviable title!). I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, and I'm not entirely sure of my feelings having taken the class.
On the plus side, it was definitely a powerful upper body workout (as promised), and there was some bonus but much appreciated hip/butt work as well. I liked the look of the studio and all of the toys and accessories they had (ankle weights!! brilliant), but I was really not sure how I felt about Justin - and I'm kind of still not. I get the sense he's much better one-on-one than in a larger group. He just jumped right into the class with zero preamble and I almost got the sense he didn't want to be there. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but he was
so "strictly business" that it affected my motivation a bit. I don't mind being yelled at boot-camp style by any means, but for god's sake, throw me a little humor or encouragement or personality or something!
Overall, what was promised, was delivered - a great workout. He's clearly talented based on his clientele and the overall response from my fellow participants (most of whom are actual legitimate journalists but I think there are some fellow NYC bloggers among the group) was positive.

The manicure was lovely and such a nice bonus treat, and the clothes look fantastic! My only slight beef - apparently tapered leg is coming back into style. Ack. Not a good look for most people, I'd argue. I thought we left that look to die in the early 90's? And yet it's Athleta, so they're soooo comfy...

They have their usual bright blues and fuchsias but they also had a rack of really lovely neutral/nude colors. The 80's and 90's are definitely rearing their loud, patterned, cut-off top, tapered leg heads, and if anyone can make it look and feel good, it's Athleta!
They're an awesome company that always shows me a great time. I love supporting them -
love the generous teacher discount they offer! - and am always excited to see what's coming up next in fitness in the city and in their lines.
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