The last three weeks feel like an eternity! It's amazing how time never quite passes normally over December / early January for me. The time in the city leading up to my visit down south seemed to fly at warp speed. Being down with my sister and her kids was like heaven. Exhausting, draining, heaven. Each day is a billion years and two seconds long.
Coming back to the city, our first week was packed. Work, in-laws visiting, New Year's celebrations, Whole30 prep, work, a snow-ish day, and finally - the absolute gift of a weekend. A real, live weekend - two whole days just for me and for Marc, being productive on the stuff we needed to be productive on, and relaxing for a change. (And also taking our very first boxing class, which was one of the most fun and brutal things ever)
So now we are back to reality, back to the blog, and having finally found time to catch my breath, get centered, and re-calibrate, I'm ready to tackle 2018. We are on Day 7 of Whole30 - my fifth round, and Marc's very first. He is rocking it so far, and already he's feeling and seeing changes in himself. As anyone who's ever done Whole30 knows, it's a huge commitment and upheaval, and he's been 110% with it. I'm really proud.
Although New Year's Day was just last Monday, it feels like it's been an eternity since then. This morning, however, is flying by, so I will keep this New Year's inspired entry short and sweet.
For the past nine years, I've chosen one word or phrase as an intention for the year. They've run the gamut, and had various degrees of success sticking in my consciousness throughout or having the sort of effect I hope. I wasn't 100% confident in this word, until it was mentioned in my all-time favorite podcast, Two Gomers Run for Their Lives which you MUST check out now, in their New Year's episode when they shared their listener feedback for listener words of the year. (They choose "one word"'s too) Hearing my podcast heroes affirm the value of my choice set it in stone. Shallow and insecure? Perhaps. But whatever - I'll take it.
My word this year is Listen. As I explained it in response to the Gomer survey:
I need to listen better to others rather than just waiting for my turn to talk.
I need to listen to my body (hello injury prevention)
I need to listen to what I truly want and need instead of numbing with constant media consumption.
So there you go. We'll see how I do, how it shapes little day and and day out actions and decisions, and what effect it may or may not have. Anyone else do "one word" or "one phrase" intentions for the year? I'm pretty sure I cribbed the idea from America's Queen, aka the one and only Oprah.
Happy 2018, everyone. May it be better than the last!
Monday, January 8, 2018
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